Enrich our growing community
- To invest, accelerate and amplify greatness in people by supporting, developing and nurturing new talents to be better individuals and students.
To teach the next generation
- To provide educational support in order to accelerate and amplify the greatness of students and individuals. Education is a transformative process.
Build Network
Take support to the next level
- To be hands on with new talents coupled with emotional intelligence, build relationship which can transform lives. Transforming lives takes time.
As an alumni of the Engineering class of 1995, University of Technology, Jamaica, it is a humbling but proud experience to witness the birth of the Not-For-Profit “Engine95”.
Our 100 plus, collective years, of industry experiences has taken us through many sectors and garnered exposures in different cultures. We have assisted in the growth and development of leaders, teams and individuals. Ultimately, impacting shareholders’ value and positively impacted our environments.
It is for this reason that, throughout our careers, we have found ways to assist future leaders on a personal level, whether through time, money or other resources. Thus impacting the lives of future visionaries along their journey.
Engine95 provides the opportunity for us to serve in a greater capacity, as we strive to make the world a better place through our collaborative efforts of service to the next generation of game changers.