Welcome to Engine95, we are a Not-For-Profit entity that has been incorporated under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (NFP Act). We strive to be a premier organization that provides educational assistance in the form of scholarships, sponsorships and mentorship programs, for underserved youths and financially challenged College / University students.
Through the kind donations of our supporters, sponsors, volunteers and mentors, we have been able to drive the social changes that are synonymous with our mission. We have been able to provide Scholarships and Mentorships to seven (7) University Engineering Students to date.
Your support is a significant help, as we strive to make the world a better place through our collaborative efforts of service to the next generation of leaders.
To learn more about Engine95 and what we do and represent, click here to get more information.
At Engine95 we believe “We All Ascend By Enlightening Each Other.”